Let Me De-Influence You
What don’t you need to do: We are bombarded by rubbish health claims on the internet or even by so called professionals. This is even more so on Insta, Tik Tok and Facebook where “Influencers” are paid big money to promote products and services. It is refreshing to hear of a new trend of “de-influencers”...
Your Health Should be Part of Your Pension Plan
The old adage “Work hard, play hard is a good one…but not at the expense of your health. What is the point of killing yourself to pay into a pension plan, to drop dead of a heart attack when you retire at 65? Or worse, get a stroke and be bed bound and your...
Gout: How to Avoid and Treat it this Holiday Season
He was pacing in my waiting room, holding his red, swollen wrist and roaring at everyone like a wounded bear. This normally jovial and mild mannered gentleman was suffering from an extremely painful joint affliction called “Gout.” As it was the week before Christmas, I doubted he would be the last patient with Gout this...
The History of “Botox”: How a Deadly Poison became a Mainstream Beauty Treatment
You asked and I listened: I just returned from the UK where I completed an Advanced Botox and Filler Course. It was fascinating. So thank you for the suggestion. So, what did I learn? Well, I always knew that “Botox” had some medical uses. But the story of how a deadly poison became the darling...
Deworming Debunked.
It’s August and we’ve begun to hear the ads on the radio and Tv for “de-worming medicine” Here’s Dr Solomon on the evidence about why we should or should not be giving worm medicine to our children if they are well and do not have symptoms.”How many of us Trinidadians are accustomed to our grandmother,...
It’s Lung Cancer Awareness Day If you have symptoms of Lung cancer like a persistent unexplained cough, unexplained weight loss or unexplained hoarseness then it’s fine for your Doctor to do a Chest X-ray to see if you might have lung cancer, but if it’s normal, you should go on to have a CT Scan...
Wound Care with Nurse Charlene Teloka
It’s the summer holidays and I hope all your kids are outside (without masks yay!) getting muddy, falling from trees and getting scraped knees….That’s so much better than sitting rivetted to a screen getting a Thumb sprain from a remote control or joystick! But really, when is one of those cuts/scrapes serious? It’s been so...
What Tests Shouldn’t you do as part of your Executive/Annual Medical?
So we’re all crawling out from under our rocks and thinking about all the things we neglected during the Pandemic. Our health included. That means Annual and Executive Medicals. “The bigger the better Doc. Give me every test you got. Take me up to my insurance limit. “ Whoa, hold up there! Everything in moderation,...
Why I’ll (probably) never suggest you do a Herpes blood test.
Herpes blood tests are a complete waste of time and money. They can even destroy relationships. Here’s why: If I had a dollar for the number of couples I have had in my office at breaking point because some other doctor recommended Herpes blood tests as part of a sexual health screen ….or worse yet...
The Science of Aging Part 2: The Free Radical Theory
Are Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Antioxidants the “Fountain of Youth”? The Free Radical Theory of Aging has been around for a while. We’ve all seen the adds for “antioxidants “. But what is a Free Radical, how can it age me and are vitamins the answer? A free radical is an unstable molecule that...

Busting 5 Common Cancer Myths

The Tests All Women Should Have