Hours : Mon to Wed: 8-4pm | Thur: 8-6pm | Sat: 9-12pm

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month!

Cervical Cancer is one of the commonest and yet the most preventable cancers in Women worldwide.

We are so lucky to have a good screening test to help us detect precancerous changes in the cervix. – The “Pap” test introduced in the 1940s has reduced the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer by 77% in the USA.  In the UK The incidence has fallen by 44% and death rates by 70% since introducing screening for cancer of the cervix.

Rates of precancerous lesions in younger women have dropped even further since the introduction of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine.

Cervical Cancer, believe it or not, is catching! 99% of cervical cancer is caused by the high risk strains of the Human Papilloma Virus, most  commonly types 16 and 18 which are preventable. HPV is spread by sexual intercourse.

For this reason, Many countries including the USA, UK and Australia have national vaccination programs to vaccinate teenagers before they are likely to become sexually active. The aim of this is to prevent Cancers – of the cervix, penis, throat and anus!

Have you thought about discussing HPV vaccination with your adolescent? Cancer prevention could be the greatest gift you give to them.

Have you set a good example by to your daughters by having your smear test?

The Smear test is recommended for all women ages 26-64 and is done in office.

To celebrate Cervical Health Awareness Month book your smear test or consultation about the HPV vaccine on 221-3983 or by booking online at www.amesmedicalservices.com

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