Holiday Heart Syndrome is palpitations associated with binge drinking alcohol.. and because binge drinking tends to happen over holidays, we get the name.
Large sudden quantities of Alcohol can affect our electrolytes as well as have a direct toxic effect on the heart causing acute palpitations. Dehydration, stress, salty food, obesity and age increase the risk. This can happen to people even if they have never had heart problems or palpitations before.
The important thing is that if you get a type of palpitation called Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) with binge drinking you could end up collapsed or have a stroke. So, this Christmas, if you get palpitations lasting more than a few minutes, especially if associated with chest pain, dizziness or shortness of breath please go straight to the Emergency Room. They can try to stop the arrythmia and if necessary, give you treatment to prevent a stroke.
To prevent Holiday Heart Syndrome, take it easy with the Ponche a Creme. Try having it over lots of ice and alternate alcoholic drinks with nonalcoholic ones…. and don’t binge drink to drown out stressful family situations because you might compound the situation!